Other Features

The Caranba Bible Encyclopedia app does come with other features to help engage the user. These features add to the functional capability of the app and bring out the user experience.

These other features include:

The Preferences Settings

The user is able to choose the bible translation preference, the size and font of the text for scripture verse text and text descriptions, and the theme mode of the app (light or dark)

The Bible Verses Selection

The user can select bible verses of choice from a bible picker with respect to a bible book, chapter, and verse. The user gets the benefit of reading bible scripture at will without any restriction, and can also change the scripture text font, text size, and bible translation from this screen feature.

The Places Selection

A map is provided where the user can select any place from a list of places in the bible with the map marker of the place set on the map. The map moves animatively when a place selected by the user to be shown on the map with map marker.

The TimePeriod Timeline

The user can view a time line of time periods from a start time-period to an end time-period. The purpose of this is to give the user a visual time line for the user to interact with and display the time-period details.

The Event Sequences

The user can select an event and display a sequence of events that precede it in order of event occurrence. The event sequence is displayed in a timeline like fashion and the user is able to interact with each event in the sequence to display the event details.

The Ancestry Lineage

The user can display an ancestry lineage by first picking any person and then picking a person that is up the ancestry tree. The ancestry lineage will be displayed in a timeline like fashion. The user can interact with each person within the lineage to display the person details.

The Favorites Selections

Searching and scrolling for a person, place, event, or time period can be time consuming. Especially, if you have to keep repeating the process time and time again. This is where selecting favorites come to the picture. In the list of People, Places, Events, and Time Periods, there is a heart icon on the right. Pressing on the heart icon turns it into a colored-filled heart icon making it a favorite. When the user goes to the Favorite screen the favorite item is displayed. There are three ways the user can make an item a favorite:

  1. From the list
  2. From the details screen
  3. From the favorite screen
In the Favorites screen there is a floating button that splits into the five floating buttons when the user presses it. Each split button when pressed displays list the user can press the heart icon on to make it a favorite and the item is displayed in the Favorite screen.

Location Landform Selection

This is where a user can select or look for a place with respect to the type of place landform. Example of landform type include City, Water, Region, Landmark, Mountain etc.

People Group

This is where a user can select a person with respect to the group the person in question belongs to.


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